Help other tutors save time and delight their students - and get compensated!
Yet every tutor has to rely on themselves for producing high-quality materials personalized for their student’s needs.
If you ever spent time and effort to produce a lesson plan, slides, exercises, or handouts for your students - you know how time-consuming it can be. Help other tutors save time and delight their students - and get compensated in return! With us you can reach the worldwide tutor community and monetize your tutoring expertise.
Sell your materials to thousands of teachers looking for high-quality resources for their lessons. PrepYourLesson connects language and subject teachers from all over the world, creating a large market for your work.
Forget about spending time on marketing and communicating with each buyer. Focus on what matters — growing as a teacher or building your tutoring business, while we take care of selling your materials.
Joining our platform and starting to sell is completely free! We only charge a small commission on each successful sale, ensuring fair cooperation. You receive payments via PayPal or Payoneer at a time convenient for you.
Build your professional profile where you can share your experience, showcase examples of your work, and receive feedback from other users. Your reputation will grow, helping you attract more buyers.
Discover a community of teachers on the forum where you can discuss important topics, share experiences, and stay updated on the latest educational news.
Set your own prices or offer discounts to attract more buyers. You can adjust your sales strategy to meet different market demands and increase your sales.
We carefully moderate content and remove any materials that violate copyright, ensuring safety and fairness.
Your materials are securely protected. The platform has strict rules: reselling is prohibited, and materials are available for private use only by buyers.
Just a few quick steps to set up your content store.
Register and confirm your email address.
Fill in information about yourself in your public profile and add links to your social media pages.
Add your materials in the Materials section – upload files in a format that is convenient for you.
Choose a convenient payout method and add your email for payments.
Track your sales and receive payouts whenever you want.
You must be the copyright owner of the materials you upload, or have permission from the copyright holder to use them.
PrepYourLesson supports uploading files in any format; however, we recommend using formats that allow other educators to edit and adapt the materials to their needs.