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House Bingo game.

Flashcards. Game.

House Bingo is a fun and engaging game that helps players learn and recognize various items and features commonly found in a house. Each player is given a bingo card with different pictures or words representing things like furniture, appliances, rooms, and household objects. The game caller will randomly select items and describe them, showing a corresponding picture or word card. Players mark off the matching item on their bingo card if they have it. The first player to complete a row, column, or diagonal on their bingo card by correctly identifying the items called out shouts "Bingo!" and wins the game. House Bingo is not only entertaining but also educational, helping players expand their vocabulary related to house items and enhancing their observation skills. It's a fantastic game for children and adults alike to enjoy while learning about the things that make a house a home.
  • Level:
    • Beginner (A1)
    • Intermediate (A2)
  • Focus area:
    • Other
  • Resource type:
    • Activities
    • Other
  • Audience:
    • Kids
    • Teenagers
    • Other
  • File format:
    • PDF
  • For Speakers Of:
    • English
  • Categories:
    • English