Plural Words worksheet.
Plural Words worksheet.
Plural Words worksheet."Plural words are special words that we use when we talk about more than one thing. They help us describe a group or a bunch of things instead of just one. Let's have some fun learning about plural words!
To choose the correct plural word, it's helpful to look at the pictures and see how many things or objects are shown. Pay close attention to the number of items in the picture, and then choose the word that matches.
For example, if you see a picture of one cat, you would choose the word 'cat.' But if you see a picture with two or more cats, the correct word would be 'cats.' See how the 's' is added to the word to show that there is more than one? Sometimes, the word changes a little differently when it becomes plural. For instance, if you see a picture of a single goose, the word is 'goose.' But if there are many geese in the picture, the correct word would be 'geese.' Isn't that interesting? Remember, when you are choosing the correct plural word, the picture will give you a clue about how many things are being shown. Take your time, look at the pictures, and choose the word that matches the number of things in the picture.
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