Present perfect – for or since Exercise. Part 4.
Present perfect – for or since Exercise. Part 4.
Present perfect – for or since Exercise. Part 4.The present perfect tense is used to talk about actions or situations that started in the past and continue up to the present moment. When using the present perfect tense, we often need to indicate the duration of time that the action or situation has been happening.
To indicate duration, we use the prepositions "for" or "since." Here's how to determine which one to use:
- "For" is used to express the length of time an action or situation has been happening. It is followed by a period of time, such as hours, days, months, or years. For example: "I have been studying English for three years."
- "Since" is used to indicate the starting point of an action or situation. It is followed by a specific point in time, such as a date or a moment in the past. For example: "I have been living in this apartment since 2018."
In the exercise, you will be given sentences and you need to choose whether to use "for" or "since" to complete the sentence correctly. Pay attention to the context and the starting point or duration of the action or situation mentioned in the sentence.
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