$ 2.50


Phonics. Word Families Short /a/ Sound Reading Cards.


These cards are designed to help kids practice and master words that belong to the short /a/ sound word families. Each reading card features a word family and three words that belong to that family. The word families included in this set focus on the short /a/ sound, such as -at, -an, -ag, -ad, and -ap. These reading cards are a valuable resource for developing phonics skills and building reading fluency. By focusing on word families, children can recognize and understand the common phonetic patterns in words, which in turn helps them decode new words more easily. These cards are an excellent tool for building vocabulary, improving phonics skills, and developing reading fluency. They can be used at home, in the classroom, or even on the go, making learning accessible and convenient. So, grab these Word Families Short /a/ Sound Reading Cards and embark on a phonics adventure with your child. Watch as they become more confident in their reading abilities and develop a solid foundation in phonics. Happy reading!
  • Level:
    • Beginner (A1)
  • Focus area:
    • Speaking
    • Reading
    • Writing
  • Resource type:
    • Exercises and worksheets
    • Activities
    • Other
  • Audience:
    • Kids
  • File format:
    • PDF
  • For Speakers Of:
    • English
  • Categories:
    • English