
How to post materials on PrepYourLesson

So, you’ve picked your username and created your profile. Welcome to the community! We’re excited to have you on board. Next, you can start by posting some of your materials to share with fellow tutors.

Uploading a product

  1. Go to your profile by clicking the profile picture in the upper right corner and selecting 'My Panel'. Select the ‘My Materials’ section on the left. On the upper right corner, click on ‘Add New Materials’.

  2. Now it’s time to upload your actual materials. Let’s go through each field in order.

    a. Cover image. This is the image that will represent your product in the product catalog. Use something descriptive and catchy with not too much text or simply a screenshot of your file. For more tips, see our blog post where we discuss this topic in greater detail.

    b. Title and subtitle. Use these two fields to summarize what your product is about. Here you want to mention the main keywords that describe your product topic. Helpful and descriptive titles ensure that your product appears in search both on PrepYourLesson and on Google!

    c. Product files. These are the files that you are sharing or putting up for sale. PrepYourLesson supports most common file formats: text (txt, pdf), Microsoft Office (doc, xls, ppt), and images (jpg, png), as well as video but we recommend to keep the total size of the uploads to less than 50 Mb.

    d. Preview files. This is where you persuade a potential buyer to turn into an actual buyer! We support txt, pdf, jpg, png, doc, xls, and ppt files for preview. Ideally, you want to upload 3-5 files that are representative of the product but are not a substitute for a product itself. For example, if your product is a Word file with 3-5 pages you can upload the first and fourth pages of it as a pdf with an added watermark.

    e. Description. This is your chance to tell your buyers about your product and how they can use it effectively. You should describe the best way to use it, who it is designed for, how much of a lesson it is designed to cover, and everything else of relevance. Feel free to include links that are relevant to your product!

    f. Related products. Here you can link your other products to be shown on the listing page. This is helpful when you want to link products of the same series together or create a bundle and link to the included products separately.

    g. Subjects. This is where you select the main language of your product. Some languages have an option for additional dialects but they are optional.

    h. Other fields (level, focus area, resource type, audience, file format, for speakers of). We additionally ask you to specify a few other features of your product. It is important to specify them correctly as it helps other tutors find exactly what they need.

    i. Price. Set the price for your product or share it for free! You can only set your price in USD now but it will be automatically converted to a local currency (and rounded up if needed) for international users who select a non-USD currency.

  3. Before you publish your resource, don’t forget to tick that you agree with the terms of service and privacy policy at the very bottom of the page.

  4. Congrats! You’ve published your first material.

What happens once you submit your product?

You will get an email confirmation that your product is being verified. This means that we are taking a quick look to ensure that everything looks good (e.g. there is no harmful content and it adheres to our quality standards). Usually all products are confirmed within 24 hours. Once it is approved, your listing will be made public and available for purchase.

You won’t have to wait for approval every time though! After the first few approved uploads you will be granted a Trusted user status that will allow you to post products instantly.